NESA is consulting on the Collaborative Curriculum and Assessment Framework for Languages (CCAFL). This is a national curriculum and assessment framework for Continuers level courses in smaller candidature languages; Armenian, Chin Hakha, Hebrew, Khmer, Portuguese, Serbian, Turkish, Auslan, Croatian, Hindi, Macedonian, Punjabi, Sinhala, Yiddish, Bengali, Dutch, Hungarian, Persian, Romanian, Swedish, Bosnian, Filipino, Karen, Polish, Russian and Tamil.
The framework outlines essential information that will be common to all CCAFL Languages developed using the Framework. Feedback will inform the development of the final CCAFL Framework.
Individuals are invited to participate in the consultation and/or provide feedback via an online survey. There is one more online consultation meeting you can attend on 25 March 2021 4.00pm-5:30 pm .
Registration and access to the survey for the CCAFL framework for consultation is open from1 March to 11 April. For more information, visit the NESA consultations page.